Friday, February 27, 2009

# 5 - Stupid People

Dear Life,

I am really confused on this Black History month business.
Why did we make February, the shortest month, Black History Month?
That is a bunch of CRAP!
I think we should change it too...some other month!
And why don't we have a Japanese History Month?
We screwed them over too with the internment camps.
Whatever, our country is screwed..
You know that Obama is the Anti-Christ and/or Hitler?
I would go on more about how retarded people are in this country,
But I want to talk about other stuff!
Something I have an anger problem with is stupid people,
I know most of us have this same problem
But I have to rant about something that happened to me.
I was on facebook chat with my "friend" Kenneth.
He said something mean but instead of saying you're he said your.
So first he comes off stupid and I called him out on it.
And after that he said "you miss my sexy body"
Which of course I didn't and of course he wasn't sexy.
This is something what guys should know,
If a girl wants your body...we will get your body
And we probably don't miss your body if we haven't talked to you in 2 months
I am just saying lol


Thursday, February 26, 2009

# 4 - Laugh

Dear Life,

You know how people are either a "cup half full" or "cup half empty"?
I am more of a "what is in the cup?" kind of person.
I don't think I am pessimistic or optimistic.
I am a person who just takes it as it is, good or bad.
Whatever comes comes.
I do tend to be more optimistic, but I am mostly just technical about things.
If it's going to be bad well then, it's going to be bad..
and if it's going to be good well, it's going to be good.
I think that is how people should look at things.
Instead of dragging everyone down or lying to themselves.
They should just take it as it is
And learn from it, good or bad.
And not only learn from it, but laugh at it.
That may seem mean but people forgot what laughing is
And how amazing it is!
Laugh at everything you can think of,
Make yourself cry from laughing so hard!
And don't worry about if other people are laughing,
I never do, never ever ever!
Most of the time people start laughing because they see me enjoying myself,
(And also the fact that I snort)
Really people, just laugh.
If someone trips in front of you, LAUGH!
If you trip, LAUGH!
And hopefully other people will laugh at you,
And don't get embarrassed!
Take it as you helped someone laugh and make them laugh out loud
And enjoy themselves :)
For homework, maybe you should go to a mall or public place
And trip on purpose, and count how many people you heard laugh
And laugh yourself!
I have fallen down stairs at a hockey game and just cracked up,
Not a lot of people laughed because they were worried but I laughed
And so did my mom!
As long as you can make yourself and at least one other person laugh
Then you did a good deed :)


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

#3 - Happiness

Dear Life,

Why do girls think they need a guy to make them happy?
Do they not know that they can make themselves happy?
And for them to have a good relationship they need to be happy before?
I mean, if you are happy with yourself and then you meet someone,
Which you will because it's like when you are dating someone lots of people like you
If you "date" yourself it'll do the same thing!
Back to my point, if you are happy with yourself and then you meet someone,
It will radiate and make that person happy too,
By just being around you...and who doesn't want that?
Also by being happy things you do and how you react are different
Than if you were totally dependent on that person.
And your quality of life and how much you get hurt by other people
And of course in a good way.


Monday, February 23, 2009

#2 - Symbiosis

Dear Life,

Why is it that people always try to please everyone they know?
You can never please everyone, at all..
no matter what you do someone will always not be happy about it
That is why I think people should just do what they like to a certain degree...
Commensalism is how people should do what they like...
benefiting but not hurting or helping anyone else.
Mutualism is good too don't get me wrong it's just harder

benefiting and other people benefit
I think that would help our world out.
There is too much Parasitism though, which is really selfish and ignorant.

Here is a poem I wrote yesterday I hope you enjoy it!

Slowly rocking back and forth
In long sweeps feeling the tingle in your spine
Feeling the strain in your stomach
Your head swimming in a room with no water

A constant smile on your face
Not understanding why you go so slowly
But only knowing you must
An automatic motion.

it's about that time to go do some yoga!
I might post another later, but i'm not sure





Sunday, February 22, 2009


Dear Life,

I didn't do anything today.

I just sat around on the interweb,
rocking back and forth at a really slow pace for no reason at all.
I did find some pretty neat stuff on the interweb though (yes i'm going to share it)

I finally figured out that song I am in love with :)

"Till Kingdom Come" - Coldplay
"Steal my heart and hold my tongue
I feel my time

My time has come
Let me in
Unlock the door
I never felt this way before

And the wheels just keep on turning
The drummer begins to drum
I don’t know which way I’m going
I don’t know which way I’ve come

Hold my head inside your hands
I need someone who understands

I need someone, someone who hears
For you I’ve waited all these years

For you I’d wait 'til kingdom come
Until my day, my day is done
And say you'll come and set me free
Just say you'll wait, you'll wait for me

In your tears and in your blood
In your fire and in your flood

I hear you laugh, I heard you sing
I wouldn’t change a single thing

And the wheels just keep on turning

The drummers begin to drum
I don’t know which way I’m going
I don’t know what I’ve become

For you I’d wait 'til kingdom come
Until my days, my days are done
And say you'll come and set me free
Just say you'll wait, you'll wait for me
Just say you'll wait, you'll wait for me
Just say you'll wait, you'll wait for me

isn't it so beautiful?